Legal Notice

Constitutional Body of the Federal Republic of Germany
Leipziger Straße 3 - 4
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 18 9100-0

Authorised Representative:
The Bundesrat is represented by the President of the Bundesrat.

Vat-Id No.

Responsible for Content Design:
Peter Wilke (Press Spokesperson)
Head of Press and Communication Division
11055 Berlin

Head of Division P 4
- Press and Communication -
11055 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 18 9100-170 /-171

Website Service Providers:
Implementation: Materna GmbH
Design, Front-end Implementation: aperto, Agentur für digitale Kommunikation
Hosting: Informationstechnikzentrum Bund (ITZBund)

Data Protection: Link to privacy statement

Terms of Use

All images, texts etc. published on the Bundesrat website are protected by copyright provisions.

Downloading and printing of these documents is only authorised for personal use.

All other uses, in particular commercial utilisation and distribution, are generally not permitted and would require explicit authorisation from the Bundesrat and/or the rights holders specified.

This does not apply to Official Documents and minutes of the plenary session of the Bundesrat, which, as official works within the meaning of Section 5 (2), Act on Copyright and Related Rights (Urhebergesetz/UrhG), do not enjoy copyright protection. However, they are subject to provisions on prohibition of alteration pursuant to Section 62 (1) to (3), Copyright Act (UrhG) and acknowledgment of source pursuant to Section 63 (1) and (2), Copyright Act (UrhG). The Bundesrat accepts no liability for the absence of any third-party rights.

No liability can be accepted for completeness, editorial and technical errors, omissions, etc. or for the accuracy of the information provided.

The Bundesrat’s Internet editorial team reserves the right to amend, supplement or remove the information provided without prior notice.

No guarantees can be given concerning the completeness and accuracy of information contained in external content accessed via links. The provider of such content is solely responsible for this content. Prior to setting up an external link, the websites of the other providers linked to have been examined with the utmost diligence and scrutinised in the light of our best judgement and the available information.

Please inform the Internet editorial team if the Bundesrat website links to other websites with unlawful, inaccurate content. Please notify us too if any content at should contain any errors, require updating, be incomplete or if the information cannot be accessed.

Terms of use for videos

The Bundesrat records the plenary sessions and other in-house events, and makes these recordings available to download.
The Bundesrat holds the utilisation rights for such recordings.
Downloaded videos may be used for the purpose of political reporting for:

  • press publications
  • publications in print media
  • distribution by means of film and television
  • online and multi-media publications.

These provisions shall likewise apply to private non-commercial purposes and to non-commercial purposes in the sphere of political education. Any further utilisation for commercial purposes, in particular for advertising purposes, is prohibited.
Editing, re-working or manipulation of the images and /or audio that extends beyond colour grading, cropping, and resizing is not permitted and could only be authorised with the Bundesrat’s prior written consent. Equally, the images and /or audio downloaded may not be reproduced out of context in a manner that distorts the meaning of such images and/or audio.

Distortion of the recordings using conventional or electronic means, irrespective of whether such recordings are in the form of images, text or any other format, is prohibited. The user bears responsibility for any captioning added.

The media are, in particular, obliged to comply with the principles of journalism laid out by the German Press Council (Press Code). Permission to use visual material does not imply that the individuals shown, the holders of the rights to artworks depicted or the owners of trademarks or other property rights have consented to public communication. The user bears sole responsibility for obtaining the consent of third parties as required in each individual case. The user must respect the right of publicity/right to privacy, copyright, trademarks and other property rights of the persons, artworks, objects or signs depicted. The user shall bear sole liability for any compensation due to third parties should such rights not be respected.

When utilising visual or audio material, the "Bundesrat" must be indicated as the source. This also applies to electronic publications such as websites. The Bundesrat reserves the right to require that more extensive information be provided.


Data protection

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